Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What's Wrong With Us?!

Ahhhhhh!!!! We have not blogged in over a month?! Sorry about this!!! Mummy got sick again, and got bad again so she had so go to the doctors a lot. Please excuse us from this. Nothing has been going on other than that, but we are back to blogging! Mummy just downloaded Melvin's toolbar and she wnts to say thanks to Melvin for the coolest toolbar ever!!! :) Don't forget, if you are part of The Naughty Kitty Club, don't forget that there is Scavenger Hunt going on! Out of these two pictures, which one has a more handsome pose?
A thanks to Anne of Zoolatry for making us a BEAUTIFUL header! I have found another young kittie named Shana from Shana, and BEYOND. Please stop by to say hello! There is a poll on my sidebar for these two pictures. Thanks!!!


Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh that stinks that your mom is sick again - we understand that you couldn't blog because you needed to take care of her! We hope she is better soon - sending lots of purrs!!

And we think both poses are great - we can't pick one!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Welcome back. So sorry to hear that your mom has been sick again. My mom is still in her sling for her shoulder.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh man, sick moms is just really, really bad. Take good care of her!

Karen Jo said...

I hope that your Mom is feeling much better now. Both pictures are wonderful. Thanks for telling us about Shana.

The Island Cats said...

Welcome back! So good to see you both! Those pictures of you are great! We love them both and can't pick which one is better!!

Hope your mom is feeling better now...

Marg said...

Glad to hear that are feeling a little better. We think both poses are great. Feel better Mom and have a great day.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hope your mom is doing better and will be well soon!

Catline Crew said...

Hope your Mom is feeling better.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are so glad your Mom is feeling some better, you best take good care of her so she can help you blog some more! Y'all are very fancy and I love the header...Ann is so special, she made me a new one too!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear your mom was sick. Hope she is beter. We will enjoy visiting with you two!

The Creek Cats said...

Hiya, furiends!! Be sure to take good care of your mom so she gets all better very soon!

The Crew said...

Gosh, I can't decide who's more handsome. I'm white & grey so it's hard for me to choose one or the other. Both you guys are very good looking and each special in his own way.


The Florida Furkids said...

We're sorry that your Mom is sick.

We couldn't decide - we voted for both!! Your header is pawsome!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids